Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm Metal Thrashing Mad

FistfulTo Megaforce Records,

I recently purchased a new copy of your 2005 CD combo release of Anthrax's Fistful of Metal & Armed and Dangerous from Deepdiscount. After playing it, I was dismayed to discover that the CD sounds terrible. This is not a quality issue due to Anthrax not having access to good recording equipment back in 1985. I have over a thousand CDs and have worked with many mp3 files, and this CD sounds like what happens if someone makes very low quality mp3 files (~96 kbps) then burned them back to a CD. Among other problems, it's muffled and the drums make a strange smearing noise.

To further add to the argument that someone botched this release, the segue between "Across the River" and "Howling Furies" should be gapless, but instead there is a silent pause between the tracks. This is clearly wrong.

Please read the following two reviews from Amazon which agree with my sound quality assessment:

Review 1
Review 2

So I went back on-line and purchased a 1998 German import of this release from Steamhammer/SPV. This 2-disc set sounds perfectly fine. All of the problems I noted are not present.

I'm sure you realize that I am in a bit of tight spot since no record store these days will allow one to return a CD that is opened. I am writing, therefore, to ask if I can return this product to you and have my money refunded. I paid $13.29.

Thank you for your time.


Hollow Man


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